Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday – 08.30 am to 06:00 pm | Sunday 9 am to 11 am
Drishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye Hospital
8.30 am - 6.00 pm
Panchkula, Haryana
Drishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye Hospital

Eye Specialist Ambala


Eye Specialist in Ambala City

Are you searching for the best eye hospital in Ambala cantt? Look no further than Drishti Eye Hospital! Our commitment to providing comprehensive and trustworthy eye care sets us apart as the premier eye care hospital in Ambala.

A Team Of Experienced Doctors
29 Years of Experience
5+ National Awards
50 K + Happy Surgery Patients
Call to ask any question +91-708-7219008

Here Are The Main Services We Offer

When it comes to cataracts, early detection is key. We dedicate ourselves to finding the most effective solutions for our patients. As specialists in cataract treatment in Ambala, we introduce innovative approaches for cataract removal.
Glaucoma poses a significant risk of avoidable blindness. Our expertise lies in delivering comprehensive medical, laser, and surgical interventions for glaucoma management. As a recognized eye specialist in Ambala cantt, we offer state-of-the-art treatment facilities.
We specialize in two primary types of refractive surgeries: Lasik and Topoguided/Contoura. Lasik surgery in Chandigarh aims to reshape the cornea, ensuring clear vision by focusing light accurately. Our advanced treatments make us the top choice for refractive surgery in Chandigarh.
At Drishti Eye Hospital, our famous eye specialist in Ambala are at the forefront of ophthalmic advancements. We offer cutting-edge therapies for conditions like diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment, and more.

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