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Drishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye Hospital
8.30 am - 5.30 pm
Panchkula, Haryana
Drishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye Hospital

How to prepare for cataract surgery?

Cataracts can cause severe discomfort and misery by reducing vision and making the world appear blurry or foggy. If a cataract develops, the natural lens in the eye is removed during cataract surgery and replaced with an artificial lens. It is among the most common and safest surgical procedures carried out. Many patients experience good eyesight improvement following surgery, but success depends on decent preparation for both surgeon and patient. For patients, it is equally important to be informed and comfortable about their cataract surgery. To make it easier for you, here we’ll discuss ‘How to prepare before having cataract surgery’. 

Prepare for Cataract Surgery

While cataract surgery is generally safe, there are a few things you may do ahead of time to guarantee a good and successful operation:

Proper eye test (shape and size of lens)

First of all, you should have an ultrasound test about a week before surgery to determine the size and shape of your eye. The goal is to establish the best type of lens implant to use during the surgery. The best suitable lens can be selected depending on the curvature of the cornea and the length of the eyeball. In most circumstances, you can expect to be given an intraocular lens to replace your natural lens and provide you with long-term vision.

Any other health concerns

If you have other health concerns, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, your doctor may need you to treat them before proceeding with the treatment, so be sure your overall health is acceptable.

Use of eye drops

Follow the prescription properly, if the doctor prescribed you antibiotic and/or anti-inflammatory eye drops to take in the days preceding your surgery to reduce the risk of complications. 


As you will be unable to drive immediately following surgery, so plan ahead of time to arrange for transportation home. You should also plan on taking one to three days off from work to recover and begin the healing process. However, most patients frequently resume normal activity within a few days.

Adhere to the instructions

Follow the preoperative instructions given to you by your cataract surgeon. This will most likely include fasting for 12 hours before the surgery.

Ask questions

Most importantly, if you have any questions concerning the process and procedures for cataract surgery, simply ask your doctor. To have a good operation and recuperation, everyone must be on the same page. So, must speak with the doctor if you have any questions about the pre-operative instructions, the surgery, what to expect during it, or how to care for yourself afterward. Your doctor can give you the best advice.

Post-surgery: A decent care plan

After the cataract surgery, create an after-care plan. The cataract surgery procedure will take less than an hour, however, in some cases the recovery period will last several weeks until you are fully recovered. Following your doctor’s aftercare plan is critical to a smooth and successful recovery from cataract surgery. 

Last Words

As we have discussed, Cataract surgery is a very delicate procedure. To get a cataract treatment without any complications, you must be prepared for cataract surgery as your eye doctor suggests or instructs you. Nonetheless, if you have any queries related to your surgery, you must talk to your doctor and get clarity first and then go for it! 

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