Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday – 08.30 am to 06:00 pm | Sunday 9 am to 11 am
Drishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye Hospital
8.30 am - 6.00 pm
Panchkula, Haryana
Drishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye Hospital

MD’S Message

Hope you are enjoying good health and perfect vision.

Greetings from Drishti Eye Hospital!

In the existing crisis of Covid – 19 pandemic phobia at back of our minds, we always strive to get answer for “how and when this all will get back to normal?”

A strong willpower, determination and precaution (mask and physical distancing) coupled with ‘never surrender’ attitude will let us all conquer this mountain of problem.
Mankind has emerged stronger in past also after facing Ebola, SARS and swine flu and now we will defeat Corona also for sure.

I, Dr. Ashok Gupta, on behalf of Drishti Eye Hospital, feel delighted to share the fact that our hospital is running in Silver jubilee year (Estd. 1995).

Transparency, Quality, hard work, empathy & passionate approach have been our core strengths & secret of our progressive success all these past 29 years.

I express my gratitude to Almighty, parents, teachers, staff members, friends and well wishers. I will fail in my duty if I don’t mention gratitude to our esteemed patients from Tricity, Haryana, Punjab and HP who reposed faith in us and helped us progress.

Call to ask any question +91-708-7219008
At the end, I again wish all good health and advise to follow precautions as per GOI guidelines.

Please Feel free and secure for any Query/ consultation/ treatment in Drishti Eye Hospital where strict Covid – 19 safety protocol is being followed for the safety of patients, attendants and staff members.

Dr. Ashok Gupta

(Chairman & founder)

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.