Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday – 08.30 am to 06:00 pm | Sunday 9 am to 11 am
Drishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye Hospital
8.30 am - 6.00 pm
Panchkula, Haryana
Drishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye Hospital

Our Team


Expert Medical Team

Our team comprises dedicated professionals who have undergone extensive training and gained invaluable experience at prestigious ophthalmic centers nationally and internationally. Their expertise ensures the delivery of top-notch diagnostic, treatment, and surgical services for our patients.

M.s. (Ophthalmology), Pgi (Chandigarh), Lasik & Phaco Surgeon, CMD/ Chief Eye Surgeon

D.o Ms, d.n.b (Eye) Fvrs, fico
Fellow Aravind Eye Hospital
Sr. Consultant Cornea And Refractive Surgeon

M.s (Ophthalmology), Sr Consultant
Anterior Segment And Glaucoma Specialist

M.s Ophthalmology
Anterior Segment & Cataract Specialist, Medical Director

M.d Opth. ( Delhi) Dnb , Fico (U.k)
Cornea , Cataract & Refractive Surgeon

M.S, D.N.B
(Ophthalmology) Senior Consultant 

Dr. (major) V V Prashar

DA (AFMC), Sr. Anaesthetist

MD Eye AIIMS N.Delhi
Ex Vitreoretina Uvea And ROP Surgeon AIIMS N.Delhi

MS (Eye)
Ex HOD GMSH 16 Chd 


Some reviews from our clients

Based on 4258 reviews
Himica Khurana
Himica Khurana
My mother underwent cataract surgery at this facility. It's well-regarded by many. The team provides compassionate care to all patients. Through pre-surgery check-ups are excellent. Despite the busy environment, they allocate adequate time to each patient. The discussion and counseling about the surgery were conducted patiently, without rushing. On the day of surgery, they provided proper care. The staff is welcoming, and the doctors are highly experienced.
Mandeep Singla
Mandeep Singla
All facilities are to good
Harsh Goyat
Harsh Goyat
Good hospitality and cooperation of staff is lucrative. Atmosphere of the hospital is too good. Patient’s attendant are also treated in constructive way.
Namita Joshi
Namita Joshi
Well services , very good and politely staff
Ashita //Aarna
Ashita //Aarna
Good service
Pardeep Dhiman
Pardeep Dhiman
Excellent experience I'm satisfied to visit at this hospital Hospital service's good I highly recommend
Kajal Rajain
Kajal Rajain
I had the best experience with Drishti Eye Hospital Very polite and supporting staff
Jagdeep Bhery
Jagdeep Bhery
Very Nice
Very good eye hospital at north India

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.