Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday – 08.30 am to 06:00 pm | Sunday 9 am to 11 am
Drishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye Hospital
8.30 am - 6.00 pm
Panchkula, Haryana
Drishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye Hospital


Strabismus or Squint Eye Surgery in Chandigarh

If you are thinking about having cornea treatment, you should visit an experienced ophthalmologist in Chandigarh who can assess your specaific case and go over all of your treatment choices.

At Drishti Eye Hospital, we boast a team of premier eye specialists in Chandigarh, committed to providing top-notch cornea treatments. Our comprehensive services encompass the treatment of corneal abrasions, ulcers, surgeries, and more.

Call to ask any question +91-708-7219008

Dr. Ashok Gupta

(Chairman and founder)
Exploring Squint Care

Experience & Understand Our Approach to Squint Treatment Ov

Eye Hospital in Zirakpur

Imagine your eyes not working together

one looking straight ahead while the other wanders off in a different direction. That’s squint eye, also known as Strabismus. It’s quite common, affecting about one in twenty young children, though it can also develop later in life. Moreover, it is called by various names like crossed eyes, wandering eyes, or cockeye.
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Numerous conditions can impact the cornea including

Convergent Squint

One eye drifts inward while the other remains straight.

Divergent Squint

The squinting eye moves outward while the other stays focused ahead.

Vertical Squint

The affected eye moves upward while the other remains fixed on the ground.

Vertical Squint

One eye squints down while the other maintains focus ahead.
If you're experiencing any of the following, it might indicate a squint eye

Symptoms of Squint in Adults

Double vision

Eye Fatigue

Blurred vision

overlapped images

Difficulty reading

Depth perception


eye contact

Drishti Eye Hospital offers cutting-edge corneal treatments, including

Diagnosis of Squint Eye

To diagnose and treat squint eye, an ophthalmologist or optometrist will do a thorough examination. Early diagnosis is critical for effective treatment and improved outcomes.Evaluation may include:

Cerebral palsy
Lesions on cranial nerves
Congenital (present at birth)
Hereditary or genetic factors
Illnesses such as longsightedness

Treatment for Squints in Adults

Following a comprehensive eye examination, your doctor will discuss treatment options based on your specific condition. Here are some methods for squint eye correction in adults

This is the primary method for correcting squint in adults. Highly specialized surgery adjusts, tightens, loosens, or repositions eye muscles to restore proper alignment.

These special glasses with prisms are beneficial for mild to moderate double vision associated with squint. They can be integrated into regular lenses or worn as clip-ons, providing comfort and aiding in squint correction over time.

These exercises can address convergence insufficiency, a condition where the eyes struggle to align for reading or close work. They help retrain the eyes to focus inward together.

typically conducted under general anesthesia, lasts less than an hour and is performed on an outpatient basis, allowing the patient to be discharged on the same day. 

Initially, treatments such as glasses or vision therapy are utilized to address squinting. If these methods prove ineffective, squint surgery may be recommended for the patient.

During the Procedure

  • The eye or eyes are gently held open with the help of a lid speculum. In some cases, operating on both eyes is necessary to achieve proper alignment.

Post-Operative Precautions for Squint Eye Correction Surgery

At the Drishti Eye Hospital, we recognize the importance of comprehensive understanding and treatment of strabismus (squint). Our team of eye specialists prioritizes accurate diagnosis, and our squint clinic has a successful track record of treating numerous patients with strabismus. We aim to provide effective solutions for all individuals grappling with eye disorders, diseases, and challenges.

Follow the prescribed regimen of eye drops as directed by the doctor.

Attend follow-up appointments at the clinic as recommended.

Use painkillers as advised to manage any discomfort.

Delay using contact lenses until instructed by the doctor.

Avoid rubbing your eyes to prevent disturbance to the stitches.

Continue using glasses as needed.

Refrain from swimming for several weeks following surgery.

Prevent water from entering the eyes; use a clean, lukewarm tissue or cotton to gently clean the eyes and surrounding areas.

Squint surgery can be safely performed on individuals of all ages, but it yields optimal results when done before the age of six. As individuals age, squint may progress and lead to vision issues in the affected eye, yet successful treatment is achievable at any age.

Not everyone with a squint requires surgery. Factors such as the type and severity of the squint, age, and its impact on vision and depth perception are considered before determining the necessity of surgery. In less severe cases squint eye treatment without surgery can be done as non-surgical treatments such as eye exercises, corrective eyewear, and vision therapy can help manage squint eye. However, surgical intervention may be required in some patients to achieve the best results. Your eye specialist will assess your situation and recommend the most suitable course of action.

In rare instances, squint may reoccur following surgical treatment, particularly if the initial squint was caused by a brain-related issue. Such recurrences are challenging to predict and occur when the brain once again allows the eyes to drift in different directions.

Natural treatments for squint eye include performing specific eye exercises, consistently taking vision therapy sessions, and maintaining good overall eye health through a balanced diet and regular eye care practices.

Generally, the minimum Squint surgery cost in Chandigarh is ₹45,000. However, the cost of Squint Surgery in Chandigarh varies depending on a variety of criteria. 

On average, squint surgery takes between 30 to 70 minutes to complete.

Early detection is essential. Between the ages of three months and three years, all children should have their vision examined. If you have a family history of strabismus or amblyopia, you should have your child's eyes evaluated before they turn three months old.

The success rate is determined by the type of squint, the timing of the squint surgery, and the patient's vision. It varies from 60-70% to 100%.


Some reviews from our clients

Based on 4258 reviews
Himica Khurana
Himica Khurana
My mother underwent cataract surgery at this facility. It's well-regarded by many. The team provides compassionate care to all patients. Through pre-surgery check-ups are excellent. Despite the busy environment, they allocate adequate time to each patient. The discussion and counseling about the surgery were conducted patiently, without rushing. On the day of surgery, they provided proper care. The staff is welcoming, and the doctors are highly experienced.
Mandeep Singla
Mandeep Singla
All facilities are to good
Harsh Goyat
Harsh Goyat
Good hospitality and cooperation of staff is lucrative. Atmosphere of the hospital is too good.
Patient’s attendant are also treated in constructive way.
Namita Joshi
Namita Joshi
Well services , very good and politely staff
Ashita //Aarna
Ashita //Aarna
Good service
Pardeep Dhiman
Pardeep Dhiman
Excellent experience
I'm satisfied to visit at this hospital
Hospital service's good
I highly recommend
Kajal Rajain
Kajal Rajain
I had the best experience with Drishti Eye Hospital
Very polite and supporting staff
Jagdeep Bhery
Jagdeep Bhery
Very Nice
Very good eye hospital at north India

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