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8.30 am - 5.30 pm
Panchkula, Haryana
Drishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye Hospital

5 Tips for Healthy Eyes – Drishti Eye Hospital

According to eye specialists, sitting and working in front of a computer for a long time can cause eye strains, dry eyes, headaches, and back pain. Also, age, pollution, stress, and a poor diet are common reasons for poor vision and eye problems. Common eye disorders such as halos, floaters, blind spots, and blurry vision should be handled seriously. In such cases, you should visit a reputed eye hospital or seek medical attention. 

Read on to find some amazing tips that help keep your eyesight and eye health in good condition. 

Here are Some Helpful Tips for Healthy Eyes:

Blink More Often

Our eyes have never experienced as much strain or discomfort as they have today. This is because we spend hours looking at computer screens, smartphones, and other digital devices, which overtire our eyes. Nowadays, everyone rarely looks into the distance and doesn’t blink as much as we should. 

So, what can we do? Blink often to keep the cornea supplied with adequate tear film, which prevents the eyes from drying out. Blinking occurs automatically, just like breathing. We open and close our eyes around 10 to 15 times every minute; this happens swiftly and keeps our eyes moist.

Every eye specialist suggests the 20/20/20 rule to keep your eyes moist. This practice ensures that you look into the far distance at regular intervals. The rule states that every 20 minutes, focus for 20 seconds on a location around 20 yards away. This is easy to perform and an excellent technique to prevent digital eyestrain! 

Drink More Water and Get Enough Sleep

Drinking enough water is a good suggestion if you have dry eyes. Every day, drink two to three liters of water to ensure that your eyes are well moisturized. Getting adequate sleep also allows our eyes to recuperate. Seven to eight hours of sleep every night is enough. This is a nice relief for anyone suffering from eye strain. You should avoid exposure to blue light generated by screens before sleep. 

Eat More Veggies and Get a Healthy Diet

A healthy, balanced diet benefits not just general health but also vision and eye health. Eat a healthy diet rich in citrus fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, seafood, and nuts. You should take a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, vitamins C, A, and E as it prevents macular degeneration and cataracts. A well-balanced diet is necessary to manage your weight and reduce the risk of diabetes or hypertension. 

Always pick the correct pair of glasses.

Clear eyesight is important to enjoy life to the fullest. Make sure to check your eyes at the best eye hospital or by your optician or ophthalmologist. Pick glasses that are appropriate for your specific needs. Also, maintain proper posture when you drive or work at the office.

Schedule regular visits to the eye doctor.

Schedule comprehensive eye exams with an eye care specialist to spot problems early and maintain good vision. Ophthalmologists and medical professionals at Drishti Eye Hospital specialize in eye care, including general eye care, disease treatment, eye surgery, and eye health education.

They do a thorough dilated eye exam to discover common visual disorders and eye illnesses including glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, and age-related macular degeneration, which sometimes show no symptoms.

Parting Words

Eyes are valuable treasures that cannot be replaced. Aging reduces the effectiveness of the eyes, and regular checks with professionals at eye hospitals will give preventative measures, eye care suggestions, and modern treatment alternatives. Each eye condition is unique, and treatment approaches may differ. Consultations with eye specialists are vital for the right guidance and early diagnosis of any problems.

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