Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday – 08.30 am to 06:00 pm | Sunday 9 am to 11 am
Drishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye Hospital
8.30 am - 6.00 pm
Panchkula, Haryana
Drishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye HospitalDrishti Eye Hospital

Classification of Eye Doctors

Not all eye doctors are the same. The phrase “eye doctor” refers to three categories of eye specialists. Each profession requires certain skills and areas of expertise. It’s a good idea to learn about the various sorts of eye physicians ahead of time so you know what kind of eye care specialist to seek out if you have health problems. Keep reading to learn about the differences between each profession.

Here Are Three Types of Eye Doctors


The optometrist takes care of all of your main eye health issues. You’ve probably seen an optometrist at least once, especially if you use glasses or contact lenses. An optometrist is the person who does your eye exams and vision tests at the eye clinic. They also have the necessary qualifications to prescribe eyeglasses and contacts. Optometrists must have a college degree and complete four years of optometry training. Some may seek even more specialized instruction.


Ophthalmologists have higher credentials than optometrists. As a result, they usually go to medical school and then spend several years in training. This might involve an internship and residency, followed by a one- or two-year fellowship. Their training qualifies them to provide more advanced eye care treatments, such as medical and surgical operations. If you have eye surgery to repair your eyesight, your eye surgeon will be an ophthalmologist. These doctors utilize specialized ophthalmic materials to diagnose and treat a variety of eye diseases.


Opticians are not eye physicians, hence they cannot do eye exams. Nonetheless, you should understand the differences between them and other eye doctors. They are the ones who assist you locate your glasses or contact lenses by filling out the prescription your optometrist gave you. They may also fix your frames and measure your face to fit new ones. They have various possibilities for schooling. Some people get a two-year degree, while others go toward a certificate or diploma.

Comparison of Ophthalmologist, Optometrist, and Optician 

Opticians fit eyeglasses, contact lenses, and other vision correction equipment. Optometrists examine, diagnose, and treat people’s eyes. Ophthalmologists are eye surgeons who provide both medicinal and surgical treatments for eye problems.

The three sorts of eye health practitioners have different levels of education. Opticians have the lowest training requirements, typically only a year or two after graduating from high school. 

After completing a four-year undergraduate degree, it takes approximately four years of optometry school to become an optometrist. An ophthalmologist must complete around eight years of medical study following a four-year undergraduate degree.

Key Takeaways

We hope this has addressed your query, “What are the different types of eye doctors?”. The sort of eye care specialist you need to visit is determined by whether you need an eye prescription filled, an exam, or corrective surgery. Now that you understand the difference and the knowledge necessary for each, you may see a skilled eye doctor about your optical health. 

Eye care specialists at Drishti Eye Hospital suggest annual vision tests for healthy eyes, and more frequently if you have difficulties. To book your eye exam or consultation, contact us now.

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